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Do you live in any of the following areas?

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At this moment we can't provide a quote for installations in your area.

However an advisor might still be able to help you...

Talk to an advisor

Room Name

Give the room a name (eg : 'Kitchen')

Tile Size

What size Tiles would you like?

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Room Measurements

Enter the room measurements taken at the widest point

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Your Existing Floor

Would you like us to remove your exiting floor for you?

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Excellent - What type of floor do you currently have?


At this moment we can't provide a quote for hard floor removal.

However an advisor might still be able to help you...

Talk to an advisor

Floor Preparation

Would you like us to prepare your floor for installation?


How to measure your floor for Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT)


Excellent - What type of subfloor do you have?

Please note - Solid Floor preparation will not level the floor - if your existing floor is newly poured we may need to install a damp proof membrane at an additional separate cost of £9.50 per M2

Layout Options

Which style of tile layout would you like?


How to measure your floor for Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT)



When would you ideally like your [product type] to be installed / delivered?

? Tooltip text

Please be aware that dates picked are for guidance only - Weekend dates may incur an additional installation fee. A representative will contact you to confirm your installation date/s.


Your floor quote is all ready - Click proceed to complete


Summer Oak

SKU1100110 [Room Name]

Room Width: Value (CM) Room Length: Value (CM)
Price Per M²: Value (£) Flooring Price: Value (£)
Tile Size : 812mm x 23.4mm
Floor Preparation : Yes - £123.45
Existing Floor Removal : Yes - £234.56
Waste Removal : FREE
Layout Option : Offset
Intended Install Date : 01.02.20

Totals - including VAT


I confirm that all information and measurements provided are accurate and correct and that an discrepancy may incur an additional charge

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